Arandena Leh’mara

Community Herbalist & Earthworker

Hello, I’m Arandena.

I’m a devotee of Earth, revivalist of old ways, and practitioner of holistic healing. I am engaged in the construction of varied systems of healing, resistance, and resilience in my community as I learn from the wisdom of indigenous people throughout the world. I aim to foster accessibility and knowledge of lost traditions by sharing the practices of ecological restoration, ethical foraging, regenerative farming, holistic herbalism, and mutual aid.

I’m committed to walking together on this journey of reawakening the inherent connections humans embody in our world.

Thank you for visiting my site today. Please always feel welcome to reach out to me for any questions, discussions, collaborations, or resources.

“With every breath we take, we perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with nature.” - Herbalist Sam Coffman

  • Herbalism

    I opened my herbalism practice in 2023 and am currently offering free consultations with a complimentary custom support blend on a first come, first served basis. Community participation and feedback is integral to my growth as an herbalist and I do not take lightly the courage required to reach out for help and guidance.

  • Hearthwork

    I offer 100% natural, biodegradable, non-agitating housekeeping services. My cleaning products and tools are eco-friendly, homemade, and all-natural including: loofahs, undyed rags, organic cotton, infused vinegars, plant-derived soaps, wood ash soap, and castile soap. Your scent preferences and sensitives are of the upmost importance. NO ESSENTIAL OILS ARE EVER USED.

  • Earthwork


    I have been working in ecologically restorative landscaping and farming since 2020, professionally with Wildscapers Landscaping and in my own home landscapes. My areas of expertise include lawn replacements, rain gardens, ponds, permaculture, regenerative agriculture, beyond organic, natural farming, and JADAM. I offer designs, consultation, installations, and maintenance work.

  • Education

    I regularly offer educational programs and presentations on a variety of topics. My favorite events to do are donation-based forays, urban ecology tours, and workshops on herbalism and wild arts. On request, I can lead and/or host educational activities on anything within or adjacent to my realm of experience.

  • Art & Music

    I’m currently working on displaying my art portfolio here! Stay tuned

  • Writing

    I publish pieces here and on Hidden Lotus Herbs, mainly regarding my path in naturalism and herbalism but occasionally featuring my poetry and musings on love, consciousness, pain, disability, queer politics, and revolution.

    My newsletter features monthly educational articles on herbalism and natural farming.

  • Spiritual Journeying

    I am not a spiritual guide, nor will I claim to be one for the foreseeable future. However, I am experienced in specific routes and seek to expand the availability and knowledge of these paths.

  • Digital Marketing

    I am in education for digital marketing with a specializations in social media marketing, copywriting, and SEO optimization. I currently offer basic website services and seek to expand into offering social media management.